Rest well Mummy!
Created by Erebi 8 years ago
Mummy and I became close through Erebi my friend. I think about
her with a smile on my face as I recall vividly the last time we spoke, about
two months before she left to be with Father God. The phone call was not about
her, it was about her grandchildren. That discussion represents her essence.
She always put her family (natural and adopted) and friends first. She
encouraged me to persevere and work hard at achieving my academic and
professional goals as a young woman. She was a mother to many. I will miss her
gentle but firm voice especially on the phone. Her constant prayers of
blessings for me still echoes clearly in my mind. Mama, we take solace in the fact
that you ran your race well, you lived a dignified and god fearing life. You
have left a legacy of prayerfulness, service, independence and self-respect for
us to emulate. Therefore, we weep not as those that have no hope, but we
rejoice in the knowledge that we shall see you at the feet of Jesus.
for now" like you always said.
Hope Ogunmwonyi (Krukru)
With Hope and Mrs Krukru