Philip Ndoni

Created by Erebi 8 years ago
For many, mother-in law musings have a ring of reality, but for you my mother-in law, you were an example and a worthy inspiration for all including my family and I.
What can I say? You were a beloved woman, mother and friend and certainly, no one can dispute your virtuous and impactful sphere especially after relating with the epitome of beauty who you trained so well to become the shining star and icon she is for my children and ultimate support for me.
Truly, you lived a very simple life, very willing to share all you had sacrificially.
I will not forget your kind gesture and expression of love in purchasing your ticket to the UK to see your granddaughter and support us.
In the face of challenges, you were always there with reassuring words, confidently saying “It will all be ok, just hold on” who would have thought you will leave us so soon.
Mummy …… will be dearly missed.
Thank you for brightening our world.
Rest well…..
Preye Philip Ndoni (Son-in-law)